Lithograph of a painting of Maurice D'Aussac de St. Palais, Bishop of Vincennes (later Indianapolis), Indiana. Printed below portrait: "CH Vogt Lith. 1852."; "Peint par Darjou, Paris, 1851." Original painting by Alfred-Henri Darjou (1851); lithograph…
Color lithograph portrait of Captain Thomas Francis Meagher. Signed bottom left: "E.B. & E.C. Kellogg, 245 Main St., Hartford, CT." Signed bottom right: "Geo. Whiting, 37 Fulton St. New York".
Portrait photograph of Rev. Sebastian J. Breihof, a Redemptorist priest (1850-1921). Title taken from verso. Photographer's mark below photograph reads "Bachrach & Bro., Balto." [i.e., Baltimore].
Portrait lithograph of Saint Jean Vianney holding crucifix and rosary. Printed below portrait: "J. Schaefer, Publisher, 9 Barclay St., New York". Lithographer unknown.
Engraving of portrait of Archbishop John Hughes of New York, NY (1850-1864). Printed below engraving: "Engd. by T. Doney"; "New York, Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co."
Oval portrait lithograph of Right Reverend Joseph Guigues, Bishop of Bytown, C.W. [i.e., Ontario, Canada]. Signed by L. Grozelier. Printed below portrait: "Published by P. H. McCawley, Kingston, C.W."; "L. Grozelier Lith. Boston."; "Printed at J.…
Colored lithograph portrait of Right Reverend Francis X. Gartland, first Bishop of Savannah, GA (1850-1854). Prepared at the time of his death, September 20, 1854. Printed below lithograph: "Drawn on stone by C. Inger"; "From a Daguerrotype by…