Browse Items (19 total)

Photograph of large group of clergy and laymen in front of the college side building at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Group includes Archbishop Patrick Ryan and Bishop Edmond Prendergast seated in the front row on the left. Photographer's stamp…

Group photograph of the eight members of the Executive Committee: Most Rev. Patrick J. Ryan (Bishop of Philadelphia), Most Rev. William J. Walsh (Archbishop of Dublin), Very Rev. P. J. Glynn, O.S.A. (Prior-Augustinian House of Studies, Rome), Very…

Hand-painted piece with a proclamation in the center addressed to Archbishop Ryan. A portrait of Ryan appears at the top and the text is surrounded by hand-painted pictures of scenes from Ireland, most pertaining to the area around Thurles. There are…

Engraving of Archbisop Patrick Ryan. Artist unknown.

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick Ryan. Title devised by cataloger. Printed in bottom left of photograph: "Copyrighted 1901 R. Cameron McConnell".

Photograph of seminary faculty, including Dennis Dougherty; and visitors, including Archbishops Ryan & Prendergast. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of group at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, during the visit of Francesco Cardinal Satolli, first Apostolic Delagate to the U.S., in June 1893. Some priests have been identified, including Archbishop Ryan, Satolli, and Prendergast. Title…

Portrait print of Archbishop Patrick Ryan. Credit line below print reads "Published by William Smith, Print Seller, 33 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa."

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan. Photographer's stamp appears in bottom right corner and reads: "Copyright O. B. de M."

Photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan in Palm Sunday Procession. Item consists of half of a photograph cut out and adhered on top of a separate photograph. Appears to be two photographs of the same event. Title taken from note on verso.…

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Inscribed in bottom left quadrant: "Copyright 1886 by O. B. de M."

Portrait lithograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Printed in bottom left corner: "Compliments of the Catholic Standard". Artist unknown.

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Photographer unknown.

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Signature in bottom right corner reads "Copyrighted by David O'Hara".

Photograph of body of Archbishop Patrick John Ryan being put into the funerary carriage in front of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul at his funeral on February 16, 1911. Title devised by cataloger.

Photograph of body of Archbishop Patrick John Ryan being carried down the steps of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul at his funeral on February 16, 1911. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of body of Archbishop Patrick John Ryan being carried down the steps of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul at his funeral on February 16, 1911. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of faculty of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Overbrook, Pa. Cardinal Dougherty is standing on the left. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Archbishop's residence next to Cathedral of Sts. Peter & Paul, Philadelphia. Building is decorated with American flags and bunting. Photograph of Archbishop Ryan mounted over door. Photographer's mark appears on verso. Title devised by…
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