Browse Items (41 total)

Pastoral letters of Archbishop Carroll, to the congregation of Trinity Church during their schism over the authority who appoint a pastor.

Portrait photograph of Bishop John W. Shanahan, first Bishop of Harrisburg, Pa. Printed in bottom left corner of photograph: "Copyrighted 1889 by H.B.H." Signed "Hansbury, Phila." in bottom right corner.

Portrait engraving of Archbishop John Carroll. Printed below portrait: "Painted by J. Paul. Engraved by W. S. Leney, E.S.A. & B. Tanner, E.S.A." Mounted on cardboard.

Lithograph of a painting of Maurice D'Aussac de St. Palais, Bishop of Vincennes (later Indianapolis), Indiana. Printed below portrait: "CH Vogt Lith. 1852."; "Peint par Darjou, Paris, 1851." Original painting by Alfred-Henri Darjou (1851); lithograph…

Photograph portrait of Archbishop Sebastian Martinelli, apostolic delagate to the U.S. and titular archbishop of Ephesus. Signed and copyrighted by F. Gutekunst in bottom right quandrant of portrait. Title taken from verso.

Lithograph portrait of Bishop James F. Wood. Printed below portrait: "Published by Wm. Smith, Print Seller, 702 South 3rd St., Phila Pa. Drawn on Stone by Magee." Printed below title: "T. S. Wagner's Lith. Philadelphia."

Half portrait of Bishop James O'Connor seated. Note on verso indicates that this is a page from "The Illustrated History of the Catholic Church in the United States" (Vol. 2. Page 116) edited by Richard H. Clarke (1889). Printed below portrait…

Seated portrait of Bishop Thomas McGovern. Inscription on back states that it may be from "The Catholic Heirarchy of the United States" (1888). Writing in pencil on recto has been erased. Title taken from verso. Engraver unknown.

Bust portrait of Archbishop John Hughes. Printed below portrait: "Eng'd by T. Doney"; "New York. Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co."

Drawing of photograph of Baltimore heirarchy standing on what appears to be the steps of the Cathedral at Baltimore. Clipping from Harper's Weekly, November 17, 1866. Signed "W. Jewett" in drawing. Photograph by Bendann Brothers, Fifth Avenue, New…

Print of portraits of the first five Archbishops of Baltimore, Maryland: John Carroll, Leonard Neale, Ambrose Marechal, James Whitfield, and Samuel Eccleston. Printed at bottom of item: "Published by John [name missing], Chambersburg, Pa" (could…

Engraving of Archbisop Patrick Ryan. Artist unknown.

Colored lithograph portrait of Rt. Rev. John Hughes, Coadjutor to the Bishop of New York. Printed to bottom left of lithograph: "From life on stone by A. [Albert] Newsam". Printed to bottom right of lithograph: "P. S. Duval, Lith., Phila.". Printed…

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Photograph of the future Cardinal Sebastiano Martinelli, Apostolic delegate to the U.S., with a group of Augustinians at Villa Nova. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of group of clergymen, including Msgr. Cavanaugh, Bishop Foster, Bishop Kennedy. Note on verso reads "Standing on left. Msgr. Cavanaugh, Chancellor Phila. & Bishop Foster, Bishop Kennedy". Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Lithograph portrait of Bishop John Nepomucene Neumann of Philadelphia. Lithographer unknown.

Portrait print of Archbishop Patrick Ryan. Credit line below print reads "Published by William Smith, Print Seller, 33 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa."

Very large portrait photograph of Archbishop Prendergast. Inscribed in bottom left corner of photograph: "Copyright 1897 by F. Gutekunst".

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Prendergast (seated). Photographer's mark appears in bottom right corner.

Portrait photograph of Archbishop James Wood of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Printed below portrait: "Phototype, F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia. Copyright secured."

Print of portrait lithograph of Archbishop James Wood on the cover of McGee's Illustrated Weekly, Saturday, July 6, 1878. Artist unknown.

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan. Photographer's stamp appears in bottom right corner and reads: "Copyright O. B. de M."

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Inscribed in bottom left quadrant: "Copyright 1886 by O. B. de M."

Portrait lithograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Printed in bottom left corner: "Compliments of the Catholic Standard". Artist unknown.

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Photographer unknown.

Portrait photograph of Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Signature in bottom right corner reads "Copyrighted by David O'Hara".

Portrait lithograph of Rev. James Regnery. Born May 31, 1852. Ordained priest January 24, 1878. Lithographer's signature illegible.

Portrait lithograph of Bishop Louis Rappe of the Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio. Printed below portrait: "Western Biogl. Pub. Co."

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Studio portrait photograph of Archbishop Edmond F. Prendergast. Signed by F. Gutenkunst and dated 1897 in bottom left corner. Title taken from verso.

Engraving of portrait of Reverend Ambrose Mareschal, third Archbishop of Baltimore, MD (1817-1828). Printed below engraving: "Engraved by J. B. Longacre from a Painting by P. Tilyard."

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Engraving of portrait of Archbishop Kenrick of St. Louis, MO (1847-1896). Creator unknown.

Photogravure of Archbishop Kenrick of St. Louis, MO (1847-1896). Printed below photograph: "Copyrighted 1889 by Gebbie & Co. From negative by D. Bendann. Gravure, Gebbie & Husson Co. Ltd."

Lithograph portrait of Francis Patrick Kenrick. Printed below lithograph: "Published and for sale by J. R. Downing, 139 South 8th St. and T. Colman, 1440 North 2d St., Phila."

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Colored lithograph portrait of Francis Patrick Kenrick. Printed below lithograph: "Published by W. Smith, Print Seller, 706 South 3d, Philada, Pa." Printed below title: "From a painting in the possession of Bishop Wood."

Colored lithograph portrait of Archbishop John Hughes of New York, NY (1850-1864). Appears to be a memorial lithograph done after his death. Printed below lithograph: "E. B. & E. C. Kellogg, 245 Main St., Hartford, CT."; "Phelps & Watson, 18 Beekman…

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Engraving of first Archbishop of New York, NY (1850-1864). Printed below engraving: "A. B. Walter, Eng. Pub. by Thos. Coleman, 1440 N. 2nd St. Phila."

Engraving of portrait of Archbishop John Hughes of New York, NY (1850-1864). Printed below engraving: "Engd. by T. Doney"; "New York, Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co."

Colored lithograph portrait of Right Reverend Francis X. Gartland, first Bishop of Savannah, GA (1850-1854). Prepared at the time of his death, September 20, 1854. Printed below lithograph: "Drawn on stone by C. Inger"; "From a Daguerrotype by…

Lithograph portrait of Right Reverend Francis X. Gartland, first Bishop of Savannah, GA (1850-1854). Printed below lithograph: "Drawn on stone by A. Newsam"; "From a Daguerrotype by Bradly, [340] Market St., Philada." (possibly G. P. Bradley, a…

Lithograph portrait of Right Reverend Francis X. Gartland, first Bishop of Savannah, GA (1850-1854). Printed below lithograph: "[Drawn on st]one by A. Newsam from a Daguerrotype" (partially mising); "P.S. Duval's steam lith. press, Philada."

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Portrait lithograph of Bishop Flaget of Bardstown, KY (1833-1841); later Bishop of Louisville (1841-1850). Signed by H. Grevedon and dated 1839. Printed to bottom right of portrait: "Im. de Lemercier, Bernard et C."
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