Browse Items (18 total)

Newspaper article on the lighting of the Cathedral.

Program for the grand oratorio concert celebrating the lighting of the Cathedral.

Ticket for the grand oratorio for the lighting of the Cathedral.

Handbill announcing the lighting ceremony of the Cathedral.

Dies for the Medal of the Cathedral. Steel and kept in a large wood box. One has a reverse picture of the exterior of the Cathedral and the other has a reverse picture of the interior of the cathedral.

Silver medal commemorates the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. The Front has a depiction of the interior of the Cathedral. It says, " Tu es Petrus Super Hanc Petram Aedificabo Ecclesiam Meam. Vas Electionis Mihi Iste ut Portet Nomen Meum Coram…

Newspaper article from the Catholic Standard and Times on the consecration.

Paper describing the collection for all masses to pay for the consecration.

Ticket for entry to the consecration of the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul.

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indulgence for those attending the consecration of the Cathedral is written by Archbishop Patrick Ryan.

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Announcement from Archbiship Ryan for the consecration of the Cathedral on June 29, 1890.

Photograph of the Sacred Heart Altar at the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul showing side aisle. Photograher's mark appears in bottom right corner of photo, below photo, and on verso. Signature to bottom right of photo reads "Ign. F. Norshmann [?]".

Large photograph of interior of the Cathedral of SS. Peter & Paul. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer's mark appears on verso.

Photograph of members of the Knights of Columbus on the steps of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia, Pa. during the convention of May 11, 1915.

Hand-colored portrait photograph of Rev. Hubert J. Cartwright, former rector of SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Philadelphia (1938-1956), and Coadjutor bishop of Wilmington, Delaware (1956-1958). Photographer unknown.

Photographic print of interior of Cathedral of Sts. Peter & Paul, Philadelphia. Printed below title: "F. Gutekunst, Print, Phila."

Color engraving of exterior of Cathedral of Sts. Peter & Paul, Philadelphia, dated 1860, with episcopal residence and seminary on either side. Printed below image: "Drawn by H. Nell [?]. Published by W. Syckelmoore, 624 S. Sixteenth St., Philada.…

Photograph of procession entering main door of Cathedral of Sts. Peter & Paul, Philadelphia. Photographer unknown.
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