Letter to Cardinal Dougherty from Reverend Aloysius McGrann, notification that Father McGrann is a Chaplain at the 12th General Hospital in North Africa.
Letter to Cardinal Dougherty from Juan Francisco de Cardenas, includes translated letter of Archbishop of Toledo about the persecution of Catholics in Spain.
Letters to Cardinal Dougherty from the Congregation of St. Michael of the Saints, on the removal of the Trinitarian Fathers from St. Michael of the Saints Parish.
Letter to Cardinal Dougherty, from Henry B. Clay. Discusses controversy concerning book “A Manual of Christian Doctrine” and its effect on Governor Alfred E. Smith, a candidate for President
Envelope to Cardinal Dougherty, from Charles H. Krause, Sr. Contacts a booklet, “An Unanswerable Reply to the Roman Catholic Church," which is an anti-Catholic publication against Al Smith, the Pope, and most Catholic practices.
Letter to Dennis Cardinal Dougherty from “One of the Roman Catholics,” urges Dougherty to reiterate that Catholics are not being forced to vote for Al Smith
Letter to Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, from “A True Born Catholic,” Discusses “Persecution” of Catholics for Smith, and anti-Catholic Propaganda includes sample.
To Cardinal Dougherty, from Reverend Joseph A. Karalius, Discusses Holy Family congregation case and its effects on problems with the “so called” trustees of St. George’s Parish, Shenandoah