Browse Items (1845 total)

Envelope to Cardinal Dougherty, from Charles H. Krause, Sr. Contacts a booklet, “An Unanswerable Reply to the Roman Catholic Church," which is an anti-Catholic publication against Al Smith, the Pope, and most Catholic practices.

Letter to Dennis Cardinal Dougherty from “One of the Roman Catholics,” urges Dougherty to reiterate that Catholics are not being forced to vote for Al Smith

Letter to To Cardinal Dougherty from unknown. The writer asks Cardinal Dougherty to speak out on the present political campaign involving Al Smith

Letter to Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, from anonymous, urges the Cardinal to urge women to vote for Al Smith for President.

Letter to Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, from “A True Born Catholic,” Discusses “Persecution” of Catholics for Smith, and anti-Catholic Propaganda includes sample.

P006.0180-SSJ-Baden web.pdf
The Early History of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden, Pennsylvania.

Pamphlet on Dr. Rush's work on the yellow fever epidemic in 1793.

Yellow fever deaths September 1798 (MC37).jpg
List of yellow fever deaths by day for August [?] and September.

Life story of Saint Francis of Assisi.

P001.1443 Keiley.pdf
Memoranda of the history of the Catholic Church in Richmond, Va., since the revolution: reported to the fourth annual convention of the Catholic Benevolent Union of Virginia.

Diagrams of D'Orlic's plantation of Ouanaminthe
and the D'Orlic-Caillou plantation.

Succinct and instructive memoire on D'Orlic's properties on St. Domingue, including diagram of the Ouanaminthe plantation, plus diagram of the plantation of Outapana, bought from D'Osmon.

81.184.pledge of the legion of decency.pdf
Signed pledge of the Legion of Decency.

81.183.letter to lamb.pdf
Letter to Rev. Hugh Lamb from unknown. Discusses the movie boycott.

81.183.letter 07.25.1934.pdf
Letter to Cardinal Dougherty from an unnamed person. Discusses the movie boycott.

Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and Margaret Grudy. Discusses the movie boycott.

Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and Caroline Gratz. Discusses the movie boycott.

Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and James Foley. Discusses the movie boycott.

Letter to Frances Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses use of a trunk.

Letter to John Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses a visit to Newport Connecticut and other family matters.

Letter to John Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell, wishing John a happy birthday.

Letter to John Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses visiting Providence, Rhode Island and other family events.

Letter to John Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses books and family events.

Letter to William Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses death of the family dog.

Letter to William Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell. Discusses death of the family dog.

Letter to Jacques Andre Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue.

Letter to Jacques Andre Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue.

Letter to Jacques Andre Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue, part of letter appears to be missing.

Letter to Jacques Andre Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue.

Letter to Jacques Andre Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue

Letter to Jacques Andre Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue.

Letter to William Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue.

Letter to Evelina Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue

Letter to Aline Rodrigue Maguire from Aristide Rodrigue.

Letter to Jacques Andre Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue, includes hand drawn map.

Letter to Aline Rodrigue Maguire from Aristide Rodrigue.

Letter to Jacques Andre Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue.

Letter to Jacques Andre Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue.

Letter to Jacques Andre Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue.

Letter to Jacques Andre Rodrigue from Aristide Rodrigue.

Maguire Letter 2.pdf
Letter to Aline Rodrigue Maguire from Fr. Marc A. DeLaroque. Discusses difficulties at St. Hippolyte's.

Maguire Letter 1.pdf
Letter to Aline Rodrigue Maguire from Fr. Marc A. DeLaroque. Discusses difficulties at St. Hippolyte's.

Kelly letter 1934.08.23.pdf
Letter to Mgsr. Lamb from John Kelly. Discusses the movie boycott.

Boycott Letter.pdf
Letter to priests of the Archdiocese from Cardinal Dougherty. Discusses the movie boycott.

Crane 2.pdf
Letter to Cardinal Dougherty from Most Reverend Michael J. Crane. Discusses Crane's health.

Crane 1.pdf
Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and Bishop McNeil. Discusses the health of Bishop Crane.

Dougherty 80.6464.pdf
To Cardinal Dougherty, from Reverend Joseph A. Karalius, Discusses Holy Family congregation case and its effects on problems with the “so called” trustees of St. George’s Parish, Shenandoah

Zita of Austria 3.pdf
Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and Zita, Empress of Austria, exchanging Christmas greetings.

Zita of Austria 2.pdf
Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and Zita, Empress of Austria. Discusses finding lodging for Zita in Philadelphia.

Zita of Austria 1.pdf
Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and Zita, Empress of Austria. Discusses Dougherty paying for the education of an Austrian seminarian.
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