Browse Items (1845 total)

Photograph of the Mass for Victory in Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., with a view of the stage and altar. Notes written below photograph read: "D. Card. Dougherty, Abp. of Phila., Presiding. Most Rev. George L. Leech, D.D., Bishop of Harrisburg,…

Photograph of the Mass for Victory in Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Cardinal Dougherty with other clerics and large group of people on a flight of stairs. Taken in Philippines. Photographer unknown.

Group portrait of seminarians, possibly at the North American College in Rome. Dennis J. Dougherty is in the middle of the third row. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of children in catechitical class. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of children in catechitical class. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of the procession of the Carmelite Mothers to their new monastery in New Manila, Quezon City, the Philippines. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of service at cathedral; possibly installation of John Cardinal O'Hara as Archbishop of Philadelphia. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer's mark appears on verso.

Title devised by cataloger.

Photograph of Msgr. John O'Hara at reception in honor of Cardinal Santiago Copello in Santiago, Chile. Label reads "Recpetion given by H. E. President Aguirre Cerda at La Moneda Place, Santiago, November 8, 1941, in honor of Cardinal Santiago…

Portrait photograph of Cardinal John F. O'Hara. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of John O'Hara with others. Housed in folder. Appears to be in Vatican City. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Print (photograph) of a portrait painting of Bishop John Joseph McCort. Undated.

Photograph of group of men including Cardinal Mercier. Names inscribed on verso read: "D. Dougherty", "J. Wanamaker", "Card. Mercier", "Mayor Moore", "M. Crane", "Stoesbury", and "D. A. Monahan". Photographer unknown. Title devised by cataloger.…

Photograph of group of men including Archbishop Dougherty, possibly Cardinal Mercier, and others. Photographer unknown. Title devised by cataloger. Photograph likely from Mercier's 1920 trip to Philadelphia.

Photograph of interior of St. Joseph Church, facing altar. Note on index card reads "Taken at Easter 188[7?]" Photographer unknown.

Photograph of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, showing original building and Archbishop Ryan Memorial Library Building. Photographer unknown.

Color photograph of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Title taken from verso. Photographer unknown.

Very large portrait photograph of Archbishop Prendergast. Photographer unknown. Title devised by cataloger.

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Large photograph portrait of Mother M. Loyola, I.H.M., first president of Immaculata College. Title taken from verso. Photographer unknown.

Photograph tryptych of the main altar and two side altars of St. Augustine's Church in Philadelphia.

Photograph of a group of people at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (possibly at the cornerstone laying ceremony). Title taken from verso. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of group at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, during the visit of Francesco Cardinal Satolli, first Apostolic Delagate to the U.S., in June 1893. Some priests have been identified, including Archbishop Ryan, Satolli, and Prendergast. Title…

Photograph of group in front of stone building for the Meeting of the American Catholic Hierarchy on September 27-28, 1922.

Photograph showing a group of cardinals, bishops, priests, and laymen at the Catholic University of America. Possibly the August 1917 meeting of the National Catholic War Council. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Portrait photograph of Reverend Felix J. Barbelin. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of seminary faculty, including Dennis Dougherty; and visitors, including Archbishops Ryan & Prendergast. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Group photograph of what appears to be the American heriarchy of the Catholic Church. Standing in front of a building (Catholic University?). Title devised by cataloger. Photographer's mark appears on verso.

Lithograph portrait of Bishop John Nepomucene Neumann of Philadelphia. Lithographer unknown.

Painting of unidentified clergyman sitting in an armchair with a book on his lap, with a small table to the left, and bookcases and a dark blue curtain and tassels in the background. No signature or date.

Photograph of three men seated, one in clerical garb (Msgr. Bonner?). Housed in folder. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of group of clergymen, including Msgr. Cavanaugh, Bishop Foster, Bishop Kennedy. Note on verso reads "Standing on left. Msgr. Cavanaugh, Chancellor Phila. & Bishop Foster, Bishop Kennedy". Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, upper side. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Provincial Council of Manila, December 1907. Council Fathers, Left to Right seated centre: Bp Thomas A Hendrick (Cebu, died 1909), Archbp Jeremiah J Harty (Manila, ad interim administrator of Jaro at that time due to the demise of Frederick Z Rooker…

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Photograph of twelve men, including Cardinal Dougherty, Eamon de Valera, and various bishops and other dignitaries, taken March 17, 1948 at St. Patrick's Rectory, Philadelphia. List of names on verso (left to right): Bishop Hugh Lamb, Mr. Aloysius…

Photograph of seven clergymen of the parish of St. Francis de Sales, undated. Title taken from verso. Names listed on verso (left to right): Rev. Joseph E. Lynaugh, Rev. William H. Flatley, Rev. Joseph T. Daley, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. McFadden, Rev.…

Dugherty with the Apostolic Delegate A Ambrose Agius during a visitation in Nueva Segovia diocese, ca. 1906 or 7. Seated to the right of Agius is James Jordan Carroll, Dougherty’s secretary, who later became bishop of Nueva Segovia (1908–1912). With…

Photograph of Cardinal Dougherty on the stage at the protest against the Mexican government. Title taken from verso. Photographer unknown.

Large portrait photograph of Cardinal Dougherty, seated. Photographer unknown.

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Large photograph of Cardinal Dougherty with Cardinal Thomas Tien Ken-sin at Holy Redeemer Church, standing outdoors. Title taken from verso. Photographer unknown.

Large photograph of Cardinal Dougherty with Cardinal Thomas Tien Ken-sin at Holy Redeemer Church, sitting indoors. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Large photograph of Cardinal Dougherty with Cardinal Thomas Tien Ken-sin at Holy Redeemer Church, greeting children. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Large photograph of Cardinal Dougherty with Cardinal Thomas Tien Ken-sin at Holy Redeemer Church, with two children. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

St. Martin Tours, New Hope 1886.jpg
Large photograph of St. Martin's Church, New Hope, PA, with crowd of people and the New Hope Cornet Band in front. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of American College students. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Holy Trinity Cemetery. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Holy Trinity Cemetery. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Mass being celebrated in Convention Hall, Philadelphia. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Cardinal Dougherty and other clergymen in procession. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of exterior of St. Ann's Church in Bristol, Pa., on the day of the dedication of the Upper Church, November 28, 1916. Title taken from verso. Photographer unknown.
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