Browse Items (380 total)

Wood 51.63.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Daniel O’Connor, Girardville, financial matters of St. Mary’s Church, Mahanoy City.

Wood 51.101ach.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Daniel O’Connor, about a Father Walsh, who states he is pastor of a new parish in Lost Creek, This is also a letter of protest on the split of the parish in Shenandoah.

Wood 50.53g.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Daniel Kennedy, report that he has seen Father Barry being overly friendly with another woman of the parish, Mrs. Passmore

Wood 50.53f.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Daniel Kennedy accusing Father Barry of Being “too familiar” with Mrs. Donahue

Wood 50.53d.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Daniel Kennedy, accusing Father Barry of being intimate with a woman who lived in his parish, Mrs. Donahue

Wood 51.992wmc.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from D.I. McDermott, financial status – St. Patrick’s, Pottsville; more accusations.

Wood 51.156ach.pdf
To Archbishop Wood, from D. Wagoner, Port Carbon, debt of $1,600.00 owed to Wagoner by the Church in Port Carbon (St. Stephen) – request that Archbishop Wood pay it.

Wood 51.166ach.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Citizens of Towanda, PA, church in Towanda, PA, and Father Toner.

Wood 51.55ach.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Wood, from Anthony Brenken and John Miller, Tamaqua, request for Wood to assist them in paying their debts

Letter to Archbishop Wood from J.F. Shanahan about the Molly Maguires.

Wood 52.420diba.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Spalding of Baltimore, from Patrick F. Delaney (Tamaqua), Daughter’s problem married to priest’s brother; mentions Bishop Kenrick

Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from Thomas Hodpbay, 504 Woodland Terrace, Greek Catholic candidates for the priesthood

Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from The Apostolic Delegate, Falconio, the Apostolic Delegate is seeking information concerning Father Hodobay, an apostolic visitor for Ruthenians of the United States, his behavior is questionable.

Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from The Apostolic Delegate, Falconio, Ruthenians in United States and the appointment of the Ruthenian Bishop.

Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from the Apostolic Delegate (D. Falconio), Ruthenian Catholics and their own bishop.

Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from Right Reverend Andrew Hodobay, Domestic Prelate of His Holiness, 08/04/1904, Galacian Priests

Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from Right Reverend Andrew Hodobay. Ryan is informed that Hodobay has received jurisdictions for Father Emilus Kubek, the Greek Catholic Missionary at Mohanoy City, and for Father John Halyko, the Greek Catholic Missionary…

Ryan 61.175acl.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from Reverend H.J. McManus, McManus requests a change from Lost Creek parish; describes the winter conditions in general.

Ryan 61.130acl.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from John N. Wineck, New York, Lenarkiewicz estate.

Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from Apostolic Delegate, Falconio, administration of Greek Ruthenians

Ryan 61.172acl.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Ryan, from Aloysius Misteli, Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Churchville, PA, assignment to St. Clair, Pennsylvania.

Ryan 61.272dih.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Ryan from Bishop John W. Shanahan, the Cathedral, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Lithuanian troubles in Shenandoah and Mahanoy City

Prendergast 71.124ach.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Prendergast, from People of Palmerton Parish, petition to the Archbishop to allow them to build a Slovak Church, the Bishop Refused – and yet they went ahead and built the church.

Prendergast 71.110ach.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Prendergast, from Anthony A. Hirst and Fitzpatrick, attorneys, disturbances at St. George‟s Church, Shenandoah

Prendergast 71.201acl.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Prendergast, from Father Ladislas Kloucheck, St. Clair, Pennsylvania, the Bishop is asked not to accept the priest‟s letter of resignation

Prendergast 71.203acl.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Prendergast, from Father Emerich Kucharic, Palmerton Parish Problem. In his letter, Father Kucharic denies all charges; attached is a full report of the problem at Palmerton, Father Kucharis is ordered to leave by the Bishop…

Prendergast 72.211acl.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Prendergast, from Bishop William Jones of Puerto Rico, about Reverend McDermott.

Prendergast-Buggy letter.pdf
To Archbishop Prendergast, from Bernard J. Buggy, problems with his son who was in the Boys‟ Catholic High School.

Wood 51.1031WS.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Martin J. Spalding, from Bishop James F. Wood, the Fort Delaware Prisoners – Basil Duke’s stay at the prison; clergy passes

Maguire Letter 2.pdf
Letter to Aline Rodrigue Maguire from Fr. Marc A. DeLaroque. Discusses difficulties at St. Hippolyte's.

Letter to Aline Rodrigue Maguire from Aristide Rodrigue.

Letter to Aline Rodrigue Maguire from Aristide Rodrigue.

Maguire Letter 1.pdf
Letter to Aline Rodrigue Maguire from Fr. Marc A. DeLaroque. Discusses difficulties at St. Hippolyte's.

Letter from Ita O'Connell, asks for the censors to be quick reviewing Sheehan's letters so they can be used for his biography.

Letter from Hugh Lamb to the priests of the Archdiocese, regarding attendance for Cardinal Dougherty's Golden Jubilee Mass.

Letter from Hugh Lamb to the priests of the Archdiocese on organizing Cardinal Dougherty's Golden Jubilee.

Flu 14a.jpg
Letter closing churches and schools.

Gallitzin Appeal.pdf
Letter draft to the Emperor of Russia from Gallitzin about troubles with Gallitzin's inheritance and his life in America. Draft may be written by Baron de Tuyll. Original in French, translation in English.

Prendergast 71.202acl.pdf
Letter to Archbishop Prendergast, from People of the Palmerton Parish, this group was in favor of Father Kuchanic‟s being kept at the parish

Invitation to the 21st Annual Meeting of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, at which Jane Campbell was the speaker.

Flu 10a.jpg
Letter stating how the Archdiocese of Philadelphia planned to help combat the flu.

Mexico 10a.jpg
Letter by Cardinal Dougherty to all parishioners about the protest meeting scheduled for the 24th of February, 1935.

Correspondence between William Kane and Vincent Carroll on the success and size of Cardinal Dougherty's Golden Jubilee Parade and Mass.

Correspondence between Warner Bros and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia regarding the movie boycott.

Correspondence between Cardinal Krol and Dorothy Day about attending the IEC.

To Cardinal Dougherty, from Juliet Hughes, 07/17/1950, et al, supposed apparitions of the Blessed Mother on the Philippine Islands later proven false

Zita of Austria 3.pdf
Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and Zita, Empress of Austria, exchanging Christmas greetings.

Zita of Austria 2.pdf
Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and Zita, Empress of Austria. Discusses finding lodging for Zita in Philadelphia.

Zita of Austria 1.pdf
Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and Zita, Empress of Austria. Discusses Dougherty paying for the education of an Austrian seminarian.

Dougherty-Wattson 16.pdf
Correspondence between Cardinal Dougherty and The Franciscan Friars. Discusses the passing of Father Paul James Francis Wattson.
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