Browse Items (1845 total)

Group photograph of Augustinian Provincial Chapter Fathers at Villanova College, July 1894. Individuals are identified by numbers at bottom of photograph which correspond to a numbered list on verso. Photographer unknown.

Mexico 11a.jpg
Newspaper article describing the crowds gathered for the Mass protesting the Persecution of the Church in Mexico.

Mexico 17.jpg
Program for the protest against the persecution of the Church in Mexico.

Photograph of Mass being celebrated in Convention Hall, Philadelphia. Title taken from verso. Photographer's stamp in bottom right of photo reads "The Photo Illustrators, Phila."

Photograph of Mass being celebrated in Convention Hall, Philadelphia. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Cardinal Dougherty on the stage at the protest against the Mexican government. Title taken from verso. Photographer unknown.

Article about the pros and cons of Prohibition written sometime during the 1930s. Reprint of an article which appeared in "The Catholic Review."

Proclamation by the City and County of Philadelphia announcing a special election concerning the prohibition of liquor in Pennsylvania (Article XIX of First Amendment of Pennsylvania Constitution) and amendments regarding Pennsylvania voting…

Photograph of procession entering main door of Cathedral of Sts. Peter & Paul, Philadelphia. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Archbishop Edmond F. Prendergast in procession at the dedication of the Ryan Memorial Library at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Archbishop Edmond F. Prendergast in procession at the dedication of the Ryan Memorial Library at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Photograph of Archbishop Edmond F. Prendergast in procession at the dedication of the Ryan Memorial Library at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Title devised by cataloger. Photographer unknown.

Proceedings from the First Conference of Catholics Favoring Prohibition.

Architectural drawing of principal floor of St. Augustine Church.


Poster for the Silver Jubilee Reunion Dinner of the Priest Alumni of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Class of 1921. Poster includes a menu (in French) and current thumbnail portrait photographs of the alumni.

A photograph of the Preparatory Seminary in Glen Riddle, PA. Originally the Ashton Ridge Female Academy and connected to the Presbyterian Church, the property was bought by Bishop John Neumann. From 1859 to 1871, the predecessor to the College…

St. Charles Sem Glen Riddle1.jpg
Photograph of sketch of St. Charles Borromeo Minor Seminary, Glen Riddle, PA. Creator unknown.

Lithograph depicting the "Residence du Revd. P. J. B. Bedard" and the "Couvent de Jesus-Marie", in Fall River, Massachusetts. Includes a small portrait of Revd. P. J. B. Bedard. Text in French.

Booklet with prayers and reflections of Saint Katharine Drexel.

Praise the Lord in Many Voices

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Postcard to Sarah Jane Campbell.

Postcard to Sarah Jane Campbell from the Marianne Campbell

Postcard to Sarah Jane Campbell from the Marianne Campbell with the family tartan.

Postcard to Sarah Jane Campbell from the Marianne Campbell.

Postcard to John James Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell, mentions a visit to Philadelphia and the use of a Victor record player.

Postcard to John James Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell, thank you for sending packages and will send money by mail.

Postcard to John James Campbell from Sarah Jane Campbell, discusses photos from Gutekunst.

Postcard to Elizabeth A. Campbell (wife of William James Campbell) from Sarah Jane Campbell about a trunk.

Photograph of the Portuguese Pavilion at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Pa. July 1876. Note on verso reads "Presented by Walter G. Donaldson, Secretary to the Portuguese Delegation [?] to Miss Eleanor C. Donnelly."

Apostolic Benediction from Pope Pius XI to Rodman Wanamaker and family. Includes portrait of Pope Pius XI and inscription signed by him. Inscription reads: "Knowing the Kindness and courtesy of Mr. Rodman Wanamaker to His Em. the Cardinal Archbishop…

Apostolic Benediction from Pope Pius X to Rev. Michael J. Crane in October 1903. Includes portrait of Pope Pius X and inscription signed by him. Inscription reads: "Most Holy Father. [Rev. Michael J. Crane] humbly prostrate at the feet of your…

Portrait photograph of Patrick Cardinal Hayes, Archbishop of New York. Note inscribed below photograph reads: "With a blessing Christ, P. Card. Hayes, Abp. N.Y. Epus [illegible]". Undated.

Autographed photogravure of 1903 portrait painting of Pope Pius X by Henry Jones Thaddeus. Three quarter length portrait. Printed below photo: "Copyright 1904 by H. Jones Thaddeus. Photogravure, Lascelles, London." Published by The Catholic…

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Autographed photograph of Pope Pius X. Photographer's stamp appears in bottom left corner of photograph. Note inscribed below photograph is in Latin and is translated into English, reading: "May God replenish with every blessing by beloved son Joseph…

Portrait photograph of Pope Pius X, bearing his handwritten dedication (in Latin) and signature, 1907. Photographer's mark appears below photograph.

Portrait lithograph of Pope Pius IX. Printed by Thomas Hunter, 716 Filbert Street, Philadelphia. Title devised by cataloger.

Pontifico Seminario Romano Maggiore: Side A "O Dolce Madre Amabile" side B "O Maria Quante Felice"

Pamphlet on key issues that Catholics should reflect on when choosing a candidate.

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Signed pledge of the Legion of Decency.

Map of Washington, D.C. by surveyor Andrew Ellicott. Below title: "Engrav'd by Thackara & Vallance, Philada. 1792."

Architectural drawing of basement of unidentified church. May be St. Peter the Apostle Church (Philadelphia) based on date of the drawing.

Engraving of a sketch of Pope Pius IX at prayer. Artist's mark appears on verso.

Engraving of a sketch of Pope Pius IX with Papal Seal in upper right hand corner. Signed "O. Starlz[??]" [signature illegible] in lower left corner. Published by Patrick Donahoe, Boston.

Photograph of pilgrims from Philadelphia area in front of St. Peter's Basilica, Rome. List of individuals identified in photograph appears on verso. Also inscribed on verso: "Probably after Papal audience between 1926-1929". Photographer's stamp…

Portrait photograph of Pietro Fumasoni Biondi, Apostolic Delegate. Title devised by cataloger. Note below photograph is in Italian and is dated 7 April 1924. Inscribed to bottom right of photograph: "Harris & Ewing".

Color lithograph portrait of Pope Pius IX. Published by P.S. Duval & Son, Phila.

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Pamphlet on the history of stained glass windows with images.

Photograph album of what appears to be the occasion of Dennis Dougherty's consecration as Cardinal in Vatican City, Rome, 1921. Contains 11 pages with photographs of consecration ceremony and group photographs of Dougherty and other clergy. Title…

Photograph of Cardinal Dougherty with other clergy, including James Mullin, Bishop Michael Crane, and Bishop John McCloskey. Taken in Rome at the time of his elevation to the Cardinalate in 1921. Photographer's stamp appears in bottom right corner of…
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